A man who gained Internet fame as "Kai the Hatchet-Wielding Hitchhiker" appeared confused when he appeared in court Monday and questioned a judge and a lawyer over how the legal process works.

Caleb McGillivary, 24, is accused of killing 73-year-old lawyer Joseph Galfy, whose body was found May 13 in his Clark home.

During an appearance Monday in a Union County jail courtroom, McGillivary questioned Judge Brenda Coppola Cuba about his plea and bail. He stood, hands shackled, in a part of the courtroom enclosed by thick glass.

McGillivary appeared confused about the charges against him and the legal process. He asked the judge to "elaborate" on the charges, and asked if he would be able to "postpone the plea" if he were represented by a private lawyer.

Caleb 'Kai' McGillivary, who gained Internet fame as Kai the Hatchet-Wielding Hitchhiker, has pleaded not guilty in the beating death of a Clark attorney Joseph Galfy.Caleb 'Kai' McGillivary, who gained Internet fame as Kai the Hatchet-Wielding Hitchhiker, has pleaded not guilty in the beating death of a Clark attorney Joseph Galfy. (Patti Sapone/Associated Press)

Lorraine Stanley, the public defender representing McGillivary, told him she was pleading not guilty on his behalf to "get the ball rolling." The case will now go before a grand jury, which will decide if prosecutors have enough evidence to take the case to trial.

McGillivary said a private attorney is attempting to contact him but claims he was not allowed to use a phone in jail. The judge told McGillivary he would be allowed to make a phone call.

Stanley said friends have been working to get defence attorney Miles Feinstein involved in McGillivary's case. A woman who answered the phone at Feinstein's office said he was in court.

McGillivary was told at the end of the proceeding he is being held on $3 million bail.

"OK, fine. Cool," he said.

McGillivary gained notoriety in February after intervening in an attack on a California utility worker. He described himself as "home free" instead of homeless and said he's from West Virginia. He is actually Canadian.

Authorities say McGillivary and Galfy met in New York City and that McGillivary stayed at Galfy's home. He was arrested in Philadelphia days after the killing.